100% of the proceeds from the sale of this bracelet go directly to Mother's Heart. Helping women to help themselves.
The bracelets we are selling have been made by the women who are currently receiving help from Mother’s Heart. By making these bracelets, these women have learnt a new skill and the full cost of the bracelet goes directly to the women who have made them.
655 Families have been impacted by Mother’s Heart Cambodia
Women are referred to them from a multitude of vulnerable backgrounds such as:
- sexual exploitation
- physical and emotional health problems
- orphaned
- addictions
- rape
- underage
- HIV positive
- poverty, etc.
They find themselves with crisis pregnancies and there were no services available in Cambodia for this vulnerable population.
These women’s vulnerabilities are compounded when they become single and pregnant.
Without support, their vulnerabilities not only cause crisis in their own lives but also can endanger their babies to trafficking, abuse, neglect, and institutionalisation.
Being a single mother is a quick way to poverty and brings social shame. This financial burden and loss of reputation lead women to crisis, feeling overwhelmed, isolated, like they have no choice but to abort/traffick/abandon their babies and for some, even commit suicide. There were no organisations or social services offering emotional, medical, or social support to these women.
If you would like to learn more go to http://www.mothersheartcambodia.org.